I’m making a TV show
Thanks for subscribing to SatPost. Today, we’re talking about a TV project that I started working on 10 years ago. It’s finally coming to fruition and is called Early Risers. *** There’s a phrase in Hollywood […]
Thanks for subscribing to SatPost. Today, we’re talking about a TV project that I started working on 10 years ago. It’s finally coming to fruition and is called Early Risers. *** There’s a phrase in Hollywood […]
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The absurd story of hedge fund manager Bill Hwang. […]
The battle of short-lived video apps. […]
The Ferrero Group is owned by Italy’s richest family and built a $36B confectionary empire on Nutella, Ferrero Rocher, TicTac and more. […]
Marvel paid Downey Jr. only $500k for the first Iron Man. However, the back-end agreement set the actor up for one of the richest deals ever. […]
PLUS: Are F1 drivers the best athletes? […]
PLUS: The funniest subreddit. […]
In the book ASIA’S CAULDRON, Robert Kaplan lays out why the period of stability in the Pacific Ocean is coming to an end.
The release of Spike Lee’s new film is the latest reminder of why America can never escape the memories and lessons of the Vietnam War era.
Eugene Wei tells us why the video opportunity remains as big as ever and how Silicon Valley will complete its takeover of Hollywood.
These 37 tweets show that the best finance, sports, retail, politics and media content come from the @StoolPresidente Twitter account.
The Economist is the most efficient way to keep up with the world and – more importantly – an endless source of good puns.
…Because Everything Is Now A Punchline
A hilarious journey through Time Magazine’s “People Of The Year” covers.
Mining business wisdom from Drake lyrics.
A primer on how to properly brag about your awesomeness. The Insta-Snappy World’s emphasis on self-promotion has created a plague of fake humility. What’s the best way to deal with it?
Here’s one way to re-brand the Woodstock of Capitalism: Berkshire + Coachella = BerkChella?
Joe Studwell’s HOW ASIA WORKS lays out why Northeast Asian countries far outperformed their Southeast Asian counterparts (namely through better agricultural, manufacturing and financial policies).
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